Brownie flower pots
These are delicious, easy treats perfect if your dad loves gardening! These taste like heaven but you don't need to put flowers on each one... some could be the background. Lets get started!

You'll Need:
Brownie batter
Oreos or other black cookies
Chocolate frosting (or just normal buttercream tinted brown)
Fake flowers
Small unused plant pots
1. Place your brownie batter into a pan (any shape) and place in oven according to directions
2. While the brownies are baking, prep the Oreos. Twist them open and scrape away as much cream as you can. Pop the plain cookies into a blender or food proceser. Blend. Pour into a bowl.
3. Take the brownies out of the oven and let the cool. Once cooled, place them into the clean plant pots almost to the top, about 80% full.
4. Spoon some frosting on top the brownie and spread. Place some crushed Oreos on top.This will resemble dirt.
5. Put your fake flower on top and Voila!